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AI robot: how machine intelligence is evolving

"No computer can yet pass the 'Turing test' and be taken as human. But the hunt for artificial intelligence is moving in a different, exciting direction that involves creativity, language – and even jazz"

Category: Robotics


Government plans increased email and social network surveillance

"Ministers are to introduce a new law allowing police and security services to extend their monitoring of the public's email and social media communications"

Category: Communications


Government plans increased email and social network surveillance

"Proposal echoes Labour scheme that was scrapped in 2009 over concerns it would breach civil liberties"

Category: Communications


AI robot: how machine intelligence is evolving

"No computer can yet pass the 'Turing test' and be taken as human. But, says Marcus du Sautoy, the hunt for artificial intelligence is moving in a different, exciting direction that involves creativity, language -...

Category: Robotics


Robot painter draws on abstract thoughts

"The Painting Fool is a piece of software that produces its own artwork. So could it ever be taken as seriously as a human artist? Gemma Kappala-Ramsamy asks its designer"

Category: Robotics

Displaying results 281 to 285 out of 2977